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Wild Death - placing Death at the centre of a whole life 

Sept 12th - Sept 16th 2024  

 Dartmoor, England


   £720 supported - £ 820 standard - £920+ supporter




 Co-guided by Rebecca Joy Card and in collaboration with Nature Wisdom






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“...It’s very strange where you come from…it seems to me …… everybody wakes up expecting to live.”

              Spoken by Martine Prechtel, paraphrased by Stephen Jenkinson in Diewise


   We are living in uncertain times, yet one thing is certain ~ each of us will die. Indeed, as a species along with so many other beings, we may well be facing our collective death. How shall we choose to do this?


"Expecting to live is training wheels on the spaceship of our entitlement. In a culture that wakes up everyday demanding to live , dying is a failure..” Stephen Jenkinson - Diewise


An aspect of ancient wisdom lost to modernity is the act of turning towards death, which is the same as turning towards nature and our wild selves.  Specifically, we believe a psycho-spiritual death is needed for us to evolve individually and therefore collectively for the journey we’re already on.

In contrast to the death phobia of our times we are offering an opportunity to feel our way towards untangling the knot we often have around Death. We invite you into an exploration of what needs healing and wholing within to be ready for death. One question we might ask is, ‘What needs to die so that I can live fully?’.

We invite you to join us for 5 days of embodied nature-based practices, including the Wild Mind map developed by Bill Plotkin and Animas Valley institute, as well as various Soulcraft *practices. Exploring through deep imagination, wild creativity and ceremony whilst held by the land of Dartmoor we will turn to look at our lives through the natural lens of death. An intimacy with the cycles of life can help us to see with better eyes, so we can navigate troubled times not by fear but inspired by Earth’s vision.


“Waking up expecting to live is how people who hold life at arm's length do so” 


Please note, this is a camping only program and includes an overnight vigil with an invitation to fast for that period.  Outdoor kit will be required.  

All meals are provided.

Exchange: £720 Supported, £820 Standard, £920 Supporting.   Payment plans are welcome.

*Read more about Soulcraft practices in Bill Plotkin’s books Soulcraft: Crossing into the Mysteries of Nature & Psyche and about Wild mind - a Field guide to the Human Psyche.


Introducing Rebecca Joy Card ,
fellow guide.

Rebecca is based on the granite and mossed-laden land of Dartmoor where she works as a Nature-based Soul Guide, Human Development Mentor and Cultural Healing Practitioner. She supports people to find their authentic selves and to embody wholeness through the Wild Mind map of the psyche developed by Bill Plotkin and Animas Valley Institute. She guides anyone who is ready towards a soul-rooted life through Vision Quests and other practices of the wild. Rebecca has an affinity with the underworld and loves to invite others to spend time there. Re-sacralizing our relationship with the earth and the animate world is central to her life and offerings as part of us all re~membering that we belong. She is delighted and deeply inspired by poetry, birds and nurturing fulfilling human connections.


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